If I Hear One More Time Not to Use My RV Generator…
You might have one of these in your RV. USE IT!
I am an avid reader and fan of online blogs, newsletters, and videos regarding RVing. I’m not going to make myself very popular with my suggestion that will be the subject of this blog, however, I have read a plethora of articles about following the rules of RV camping. Most of the suggestions are spot on and actually common sense.
Some of the common Dos and Don’ts:
Pick up your garbage when you leave.
Don’t use the fire pit as your garbage disposal.
Pick up after your dog.
Do not walk through other people’s camp sites.
Do not inadvertently allow lights to shine into your neighbor’s campsite.
DO NOT put the stinky slinky on top of the picnic table EVER NEVER DO THAT DO NOT DO IT PLEASE PLEASE.
Follow the “quiet time rules” — and I’m with you about partying too late but here is where I get grumpy with regard to running your generator.
Unless it is specifically stated in the rules of the campground/state or federal park, I need to talk to the persnickety humans who have a problem with those of us who use our generators especially at night.
People, if it’s hot out, I am putting on my air conditioning especially at night if we do not have electrical hook ups. I like it chilly. If you like “peace and quiet” and find the noise of a generator bothersome because you leave your windows open in 90 degree weather, well, then don’t camp in a campground where it’s allowed is all I can say. I’m sorry you like to keep your windows open in crazy hot weather. I do not. If you like peace and quiet and do not ever use your generator, go to camping areas or camp grounds where you are either with like-minded people who do not “glamp” or go off into the wilderness alone, away from all people. Do not expect everyone to enjoy the heat and discomfort as you do and then to “obey” rules you impose on others because you like to keep your windows open in crazy hot weather.
I keep reading blog after newsletter saying it is some type of “etiquette” for you not to use your generator with your RV.
Then why do they (almost) all have them??? Rhetorical.
We spent a boat load of cash to buy our RV with a generator and two air conditioners in it. I’m using my generator when I need to use my air conditioner and have no electrical source. So sorry. If you don’t like it, and when the rules do not forbid it, I’m running my generator. It is up to you to go elsewhere if you do not like the noise level.
Loud partying after 10 pm - I got you. Using my generator? Nope. I’m using it.
Am I totally missing something here?
I don’t think so. Please attempt to be understanding and know that I bought a rig to glamp in. I am not about being uncomfortable because it is a lifestyle for you and you must pinch pennies. Or you like to be sweaty and smelly.
It is my vacation. I am going to be perfectly comfortable. If the noise bothers you, please find another spot far far away from all members of the human race.
And for those who are newbies or getting ready to take the plunge into RVing - use your generator. That’s why they put one into the motorhome! When you can’t use shore power (plugging into a campsite electrical source), and it is not against the rules of the place you are camping in, use your generator and be comfortable guilt free! That’s my advice!
Until next time: Duty, Honor and Seeing the Country RV Style!